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Results for "submediums: Features - Naming the Days,Features - Spiritual Literacy World,Features - Spiritual Practice,Practices - Spiritual Practice of the Day,Practices - Spiritual Practice, main_practice: Openness"
A Metaphor for Openness Insights into finding an image that helps us open to life.
Empty Jacket Joseph Cardillo on cultivating physical softness and mental suppleness in everyday conflicts.
Open-hearted A prayer to reaffirm our intention to keep our hearts open despite experiencing pain and loss.
To the Unfriendly A meditation on love toward people who are unfriendly.
The World's Celebrations A catalyst for enriching your life with rituals from other cultures.
Open Your Mind A call to try something different.
A Swirl and a Whirl A teaching story about making oneself like the water to be without conflict.
Take Time to Have No Plan Allowing yourself to wander — abroad or in your own community.
Open to Others Suggestions for engaging viewpoints and people with whom we differ.
Bridge the Gap A recommendation to learn each other's stories and put ourselves in each other's shoes.